Bridgetown Bodywork
Aarisa Smith, LMT OR15732
About the Practitioner

I have been in massage since October 2003, and have around 2000 hours of training from a wide variety of training institutions.  The human body is so amazing, and there is always more to learn!

So far, my training includes Shiatsu, Thai, CranioSacral, Visceral Manipulation, Medical Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage, Myofascial Release, PreNatal Massage, Oncology Massage, Reiki, Reflexology, LomiLomi, Aquatic Massage (including Watsu, Healing Dance, Aquatherics, and Waterdance), Herbal and Nutrition studies, Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, and more.

If you like to move your body, and want massage to prevent or recover from injury or those little niggles that happen, I've worked with college and professional athletes from numerous sports, as well as lots of recreational athletes of various levels. Whether your sport is soccer, rowing, running, basketball, football, golf, tennis, skateboarding, triathlon, roller derby, boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, ballet, volleyball, dressage, circus arts, crossfit, pole, or anything else, I'd love to work with you to keep you healthy and moving!

I believe in working with and supporting the body in its inherent intelligence.  While I am capable of working extremely deeply, please understand as the recipient that "more" and "more painful" do NOT mean "more effective".  I delight in how different each person and each session is, and how each time we work together is unique.

Massage is incredibly useful and beneficial, but that one or two hours per week or month cannot completely counteract unproductive habits that occur the other 670 hours in the month.  I enjoy helping clients find better ergonomic solutions for their home, work, and other environments, educating them on stretching and exercise, and connecting them with other practitioners and information that can be useful to their overall health and wellbeing.

I want everybody to be able to fully enjoy this beautiful and amazing life we have in this gorgeous place with these wonderful people.  I know from experience that whatever you enjoy - rock climbing, roller derby, jiu jitsu, hiking, triathlons, composing computer code, making music, creating art, playing with children - it is all more enjoyable when you feel good in your body!

Aarisa Smith, LMT 15732

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